Practical tips and pGALS
When to perform pGALS:
- Unwell child with pyrexia.
- Child with limp.
- Delay or regression of motor milestones.
- The ‘clumsy’ child.
- Child with a chronic disease and Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Practical tips in performing pGALS:
- 'Copy me' approach. Stand or sit in front of the child and get them to copy you.
- Look for verbal and non-verbal clues of discomfort (e.g., facial expression, withdrawal of a limb).
- Do the full assessment, as extent of joint involvement may not be obvious from the history.
- Look for asymmetry (e.g., muscle bulk, joint swelling, range of joint movement).
- Consider clinical patterns (e.g., non-benign hypermobility and Marfanoid habitus or skin elasticity) and association of leg length discrepancy and scoliosis.
Documentation of pGALS should follow the suggested proforma using the example of a swollen right knee.
Appearance | Movement | |
Gait | Swollen right knee | Child walks with a limp; the knee is held flexed and the child appears uncomfortable. |
Arms | Normal | Normal |
Legs | Swollen right knee | Limited full flexion and extension of the right knee. |
Spine | Normal. | Normal |