Understand | diagnose | change

Whether you are looking to learn more about paediatric musculoskeletal problems, or are involved in the care of children, then PMM and PMM-Nursing will help you change your clinical practice for the better. PMM is free and open to all!

About Us

What is PMM?

  • Paediatric Musculoskeletal Matters (PMM) is a free evidence-based, online learning information resource about paediatric musculoskeletal (MSK) medicine.

Why is PMM needed? 

How was PMM developed?

  • PMM was initially developed by a team from Newcastle upon Tyne, UK led by Professor Helen Foster at Newcastle University, UK.
  • The content for PMM evolved from research (publications listed below) to find out what health care professionals need to know and we engaged with our users to inform format and navigation.
  • The first iteration of PMM 2014 focused on the needs of doctors and medical students and PMM-Nursing was launched in 2017. Following feedback from our users around the world a further iteration of PMM was launched in 2018 with new content contributions from our many global partners to reflect paediatric MSK medicine in different health care contexts.
  • Full lists of contributors to PMM 2014-2018 iterations and contributors to PMM-Nursing are available.
  • We gratefully acknowledge the unrestricted educational bursary from Pfizer to undertake the work to design the PMM platform. We also gratefully acknowledge additional unrestricted educational bursaries from Genzyme, BioMarin and Sobi to support the further development of PMM. These funders had no input to the content of PMM.
  • Further information about the development of PMM is available. 
  • Further information about the evaluation of PMM is available. 
  • In May 2022, the PMM Portfolio transferred from Newcastle University UK to the Paediatric Rheumatology European Society PReS.  This transfer brings long-term sustainability for PMM to grow and gives the opportunity to reach communities further to raise awareness and facilitate teaching and learning about MSK conditions in children and young people.  PMM remains free and open to all.  
  • From 2022, there is a global PMM Editorial Board to ensure that PMM remains useful and relevant to the wider community.
  • The PMM Editorial Board work with clinical colleagues to develop new and updated content for the 2022 iteration. PMM remains closely aligned with the Paediatric Global MSK Task Force. 

Key references to inform the content and format of PMM include;